Category: Cloud Infrastructure
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JavaScript Crash Course 2023 with new features up..
This Javascript crash course 2023 covers a wide range of topics essential for learning JavaScript, including data types, functions, object-oriented programming, and the Document Object Model (DOM). With new features for es8 to 12, this course provides a solid foundation ...Read More
How to Build and Deploy a Portfolio with..
I published this article on FreecodeCamp on MAY 12, 2021 In this free book, we will build two simple projects and deploy them on Netlify. We will use Vue.js as our front-end framework, and use different technologies to build our ...Read More
Git Cheat Sheet – 50 Git Commands You..
I published this article on FreeCodeCamp back in MARCH 8, 2021 Git is a distributed version control system that helps developers collaborate on projects of any scale. Linus Torvalds, the developer of the Linux kernel, created Git in 2005 to ...Read More
My Development Environment 2020 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
build a multi-tools environment that includes Python, Jupyter lab, PHP, MYSQL, NGINX, Laravel, WordPress and much more.
🐍 Python Crash Course 2020
During the course we will cover the basics but also dig into more advenced concepts like file manipulation, object oriented programming and testing.
🇮🇹 ITA | Corso Python 3 | Le..
Corso Python per principianti in Italiano. Il corso ha l'obbiettivo di insergare le basi della programmazione in python.
Learn Python | Google IT Automation with Python
Hey Google, Thank you! 🙏 What a wonderful day yesterday! Not bad at all for a Monday. Thanks for letting me join your training program for free.
WordPress Developer
As WordPress developer I love coding WordPress websites, themes and plugins, develop WooCommerce stores, and custom solutions. I am s Full-stack Developer | UI/UX Designer helping businesses to improve their online presence and clients' experience.
Transforming the Hiring Process and Prepare for interview..
Jobibot-AI, integrated with OpenAI's GPT-4, is transforming the recruitment landscape. It streamlines CV screening for recruiters and offers candidates advanced interview preparation tools. This AI-powered innovation promises a more efficient and supportive hiring process, setting a new standard in the ...Read More
Job interview Simulator –
Non siete stanchi di sentirvi nervosi e impreparati prima di un colloquio di lavoro? Con il simulatore di colloqui di lavoro, puoi esercitare le tue abilità di colloquio in qualsiasi momento e ovunque. Grazie alla potenza della tecnologia emergente di ...Read More
Come Nasce un Framework – Le prime righe..
In questo video scoprieremo da che punto é partito Evan You per creare il framework Vuejs.
How to Migrate from Vue v.2 to Vue..
I published this article on FreecodeCamp on JUNE 2, 2021 What is Vue.js? Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript frontend framework written by Evan You. It’s one of the most powerful and easy to learn frameworks, and it has over 9.5 ...Read More