Skills: Bitbucket, Bootstrap, CSS3, Git, HTML5, Laravel, MySQL, Nginx, npm, PHP, Ubuntu server, valet, and WSL. Work Types: Laravel.

The Bills App

A simple application that lets you import bank transactions, manage expenses, record incomes and debts.

The Bills App image

Open source

The Brief icon project clipboard

A minimal viable product born to play with new technologies, and build something useful, and open source. The bills web application is developed using Laravel 5.8, Laravel excel, Bootstrap 4, FontAwesome, HTML-5, CSS-3, JavaScript, Nginx web server, and MySql database. .

The Stack


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Blade Template
  • Bootstrap
  • FontAwesome


  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Nginx

Source Control

  • Git
  • Bitbucket

Project Management

  • Jira

This services are what you need to get started ..

Time Frame icon project time

The bills app was created from scratch during a rainy weekend. Are you worried about deadlines? Get in touch!

Responsive Bills icon project desktop

The Bills App implements the Responsive web design (RWD) principles. RWD is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction. A site designed with RWD adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries..Thanks Bootstap 4 the design is extremely clean and responsive on any device.

Approach icon project clipboard

The building blocks of my workflow for a succesful project.


Define the architecture


implement Backend logic and frontend code


Test and improve the code quality


Deploy to BitBucket

Features icon project features

Top project features from the product backlog

The BillsApp

A simple way to import your bank trasactions and keep track of your expenses and income. The beta version works with one user and one account only.

  1. Import from a .csv file all your expenses from your bank account
  2. Import from a .csv file all your earnings from your bank account
  3. Display records in Graphics and styled tables
  4. Search in and out transactions
  5. Add/Edit Bank accounts
  6. Display Payments and Earnings by Category
  7. Display Account Balance and alert
  8. Manage Debts

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