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Python Course | a full course on Python 3 – En

A full course about python programming covering from the basics to advanced concepts like file manipulation, object oriented programming and testing.

Python Course | a full course on Python 3 – En image


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A full course about python programming covering from the basics to advanced concepts like file manipulation, object oriented programming and testing.

Python Course Topics

  1. Course IntroductionA quick introduction to the Programming with Python Crash Course
  2. Environment SetupSetup our development environment, Install Python (Windows/Linux/macOS), Install VSCode and the code runner extension.
  3. VariablesLearn about variables in Python. How to define a valid variable and invalid variables errors
  4. StringsIn this module, we will study strings, one of the Python basic data types.
  5. Numbers and BooleansIn this module, we will study two more basic data types, Numbers and Booleans in Python.
  6. ListsIn this module, we will cover the basic data type called List, and how to use them.
  7. DictionariesIn this module, we will cover the basic data type called Dictionary, and how to use them.
  8. TuplesIn this module, we will cover the basic data type called Tuple, and how to use them.
  9. ConditionalsIn this module we will learn a powerful concept in python programming, and how to make our code behave differently based on a given condition.
  10. LoopsIn the loops module we will cover how to write programs to repeat certain tasks avoiding code duplication.
  11. List ComprehensionA shot and practical alternative of writing lists with the resulting values of loops and conditionals
  12. FunctionsIn this module we will learn how to write clean and reusable code by grouping it into reusable function.
  13. Object-Oriented Programming (Classes)This module covers the fundamentals of OOP in Python, from classes definition to modules and class attributes.
  14. Object-Oriented Programming (Inheritance)In this module we will keep working with classes and learn how to define child classes and use special methods
  15. Files and CSV ManipulationIn this module we will cover techniques to manipulate files and have a quick look at the CSV module
  16. TestingThe final Module of the course covers Testing in Python, including practical examples and a general overview around the different types of tests.
Full course Playlist

You can read the full article here on my blog.

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I have written and recorder the course contents and projects in six months

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